The Home Death, and a Wake for your Pet

In a previous blog post I mentioned euthanasia and how to know when it’s time to make this difficult decision to provide “the good death” for your pet.  So, what happens after your pet is gone? You have a lot of options. Your veterinarian is a great resource, and what happens with the body after your pet has passed is a decision that you should plan for in advance. No matter what stage of life, save a little bit of money for these services and think about what you would like for pets final resting place.

Cremation is an option, and likely the most common. Your veterinarian’s office will have resources to help you with deciding. Depending on where you choose to perform the euthanasia or where your pet has passed, you have options to have the body picked up, dropped off, or you can handle it all yourself…like Caitlin did.

I love Caitlin Doughty. Like, LOVE her. Her perspective on death, and her work toward normalizing conversations … like this one… are profound.  When her cat, The Meow, was diagnosed with cancer Caitlin decided to provide the good death at home and performed a wake and a natural burial.

Check out Caitlin’s video below, taken from her YouTube channel “Ask a Mortician”.

It is my hope that we build a community here at The Gwen Fund which offers a range of support to pet families. From offering advice, to a shoulder to cry on, to financial support to prevent premature euthanasia, palliative care, and after death care. The Gwen Fund can help you to make sure that your pet receives a dignified departure from this life.

A very special thanks to our friends at The Order of the Good Death.


Palliative Care


What is Critical Veterinary care?